Daniel Olson

Daniel Olson's Fundraiser

We can build the next segment of the Kickapoo Rail Trail! image

We can build the next segment of the Kickapoo Rail Trail!

Join me in this 50-Day Challenge and help make a difference; please give today.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$2,170 towards $5,000

My friends and family know I like hiking, natural areas, local history, and bringing people together. Building the Kickapoo Rail Trail through Champaign and Vermilion Counties combines all of these and more. We have an incredible opportunity to build the next phases of the trail by combining your support with incredible federal granting. If you have never given, now is the best time. If you have given in the past, your donation has started the construction, and any new donation will continue the effort.

Help us continue the Kickapoo Rail Trail - mile by mile, all the way to the Kickapoo State Park. Funds will go to the Forest Preserve Friends Foundation, the 501(c)(3) non-profit leading this effort. Each dollar raised will leverage $4 in federal transportation grant funds.

So you see, even a small donation will go a long way in helping me meet my goal for the Forest Preserve Friends Foundation.